Latest News today on 4th January 2024, there is still Jawa Eye Withdrawal Issue. They are charging $30 to cash out your funds, but not paying to anyone. It is just a suggestion for all users to not deposit $30 dollars, because it is a new scam. So, new users be careful and wait for withdrawal issue solution.

Jawa eye Withdrawal issue in Pakistan is happening from last 6 days. It is important to informed that, this is online earning website where they invest in Film industries and they give some profit to user.

3 Responses

  1. Please sir answer sent me boss Jawaeye email .I am Pakistani I am very poor family please help me MY money Jawaeye withdrawal I not please help me MY family is very poor family please help me boss.

  2. I’m sorry to hear about the issue with Jawa bikes in Pakistan. It’s unfortunate that customers are experiencing problems with their vehicles. I hope the situation improves soon and the issues are resolved for everyone involved.

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